Like music
to my ears
We hold our notes longer, better, and higher. We put the mental in instrumental and the cool in musicool.
I (yes Turophile is not my real last name) was raised in Texas on a cattle ranch, which fled as soon as I could. Only to see the the world, become an entrepreneur, and finally achieve my dream of: returning to the same ranch.
I think I wrote my first “song” when I was about 12. I started banging on a piano around age 6, took up guitar a few years later, and am still picking up new instruments and learning them as a hobby. My older brother and I started a “band” with me on a Casio keyboard / donated crappy organ and him on various percussion like drums; meaning gas cans, a piece of sheet metal, and various other non musical items. My dad was a Baptist preacher, so i played organ at church from a young age, despite not having any musical training. Non religious music was forbidden, so I got into Christian rock as the primary source of musical interest, outside of sneaking around listening to a Sony headset radio to listen to taboo pop.
In college I kept writing, mostly heart on the sleeve self indulgent its all about me numbers which I would occasionally play at the local coffeehouse or late at night in common areas when people were coming back to campus after partying. A college buddy wrote some poetry and lyrics and I put many of these to music.....
Tour Dates
Jun Thu
Chelmsford, UK – V Festival
Sold out!
Jun Sun
Sheffield, UK – Tramlines
Sold out!
Jun Tue
Kostrzyn, Poland – Woodstock
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Jun Thu
Lisbon, Portugal – Rock in Rio
Sold out!
Jun Sun
Glastonbury, UK – Glastonbury
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Jun Tue
Bremen, Germany – Hurricane
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Contact for Booking
For booking and press inquiries please contact my manager by filling the form or calling the number: 1-888-652-2588